Five wealthy girls, each with a special talent, have been targeted for assassination by a mysterious person. While enrolling in the Seika School for Girls, a group of mercenaries have begun their attack on the girls. Kimiko Ayanokouji, her twin sister Miyuki and their friends, Youko, Reika and Nina must find a way to survive, fight back against the bad guys and get to the bottom of who wants them dead.
Kimiko is the leader of the Debutante Detective Corps. She's very aloof, considers herself beautiful and has an IQ of 200. Kimiko's special talent is ESP, of which Miyuki claims is made up.
Miyuki is Kimiko's younger twin sister. Unlike Kimiko, Miyuki is easily tempered, especially by Kimiko's antics. Her specialty is mechanics and electronics and is an expert hacker.
Youko is a glasses girl who rides around in a limousine. Her unique talent is to disguise herself into anyone regardless of age, gender or nationality. In addition, she can mimic anyone's voice by memory.
Reika is born in Hong Kong from a wealthy merchant family. Her training with the Triads has developed her martial arts talent, and thus becoming the Debutantes' personal muscle.
Nina is born in New York City, but is of a legendary Russian bloodline. She loves everything about the military and is a talented marksman with any gun.
Daichi is the Assistant Inspector assigned by the Commissioner to protect the Debutante Detective Corps ever since the video threat was released. He's a balding husky old man who takes his business seriously.
Detective Nomura (野村刑事, Nomura Keiji)
voiced by Tōru Furuya (Japanese), Joseph Anthony (English)
Nomura is Daichi's assistant in the criminal case regarding the Debutante Detective Corps. He's a man in glasses and very shy and nervous when it comes to girls, more specifically Kimiko, who loves to flirt with him.
He and two other men were discharged soldiers who became mercenaries for hire. Kartz and his men were imprisoned for their crimes, but somehow managed to escape. Once out, he received orders to kill the Debutante Detective Corps by any means necessary.
She is the reporter who breaks the news about Col. Kartz's unit's prison breakout, as well as the theft of a military jump jet, of which Kartz used against the Debutantes.
Both the insert theme "Koi no Sōsamō" (恋の捜査網, Love's Dragnet) and ending theme "Koi wa Itsumo Beautiful" (恋はいつもBeautiful, Love is Always Beautiful) were performed by Virgo.