The film unfolds as a series of episodes from the lives of different people across various eras. It lacks a singular protagonist or a cohesive narrative thread. Instead, the movie is structured like a kaleidoscope of scenes where reality intertwines with romantic memories. The harsh, almost naturalistic visuals transform into a poetic journey through time and space.
Set at the end of the 20th century, the film presents a collection of seemingly unrelated individuals reenacting life scenarios. Unbeknownst to them, their actions ripple through time, affecting strangers' lives.
The film features "new Russians" caught in yet another violent conflict, a popular DJ hosting a late-night broadcast, an elderly Uzbek man explaining to his grandson where Genghis Khan is buried, a successful hitman, Princess Olshanskaya, a mysterious monk named Taisiy, an international diplomat, and even Alexander Pushkin himself, who meets a beautiful Kalmyk woman on his journey to Erzurum.