The film begins with the two conmen, Gajapati & Chalapati, conducting diverse gags for livelihood. Once, they sold a HIV/AIDS cure phony herbal to a Dubai Shiekh for a vast amount. However, he nabs their guile and seeks to retrieve the total by hanging by a thread. Currently, they tactically abscond, taking a while. Parallelly, Chandram, Chalapati’s doppelganger, is a jobless. He stays with his identical twin sibling, Parvatisam, and faces scorn from his sister-in-law, Lalithamba. So, Chandram quits, vexed by the quest, and attempts suicide when Gajapati shields & shelters him.
Indeed, he schemes ₹500,000 (US$5,900) insurance in the name of Chalapati, which is about to mature in 1 month. Hence, the Gajapati convinces Chandram with lies to halt his death. Besides, Chakravarthy, a martinet, is the doppelganger of Gajapati and resides with his sister Rani & cross-cousin Raja. In his suicide commotion, Chandram acquits & falls for Rani. Time passes, and Chandram affirms to live when the dodgers wiles to slay him. Discerning it, Chandram flees; amidst the turmoil, he secures & recoups Vasanti, the insane daughter of Errakota Zamindar.
Zamindar is awestruck by Chandram’s virtues and adopts him as his heir. The blackguard's peer moves with Plan B to supersede Chalapati instead of Chandram by terminating him. Parallelly, Raja & Vasanti also crush when Chakravarthy stipulates and invites them. Upon there, Chandram misinterprets Chakravarthy and takes flight, shoving him. Forthwith, heels abduct him, who is guarded by Raja and senses the actuality. Chakravarthy denies the match loathing to Chandram's elucidation and apology. Hence, Raja & Rani walks out to splice their love interests. Thus, Gajapati forges as Chakravarthy conducts the turtle dove’s wedlock and ruses to seize Chandram. Chakravarthy grasps it and speeds, but it is too late—Chalapati & Gajapati drown Chandram in the river, who is declared dead.
Nevertheless, it unveils the miscreants' plot, who decamps via disguise and encounters Parvatisam. A bell rang when Gajapati intruded on their house. Parvatisam learns about his brother’s death & his great riches. Accordingly, Lalithamba's schemes falsify Parvatisam’s demise and swap him for Chandram, of which Gajapati is mindful. Today, Chakravarthy, Raja, & Rani arrive to revert Parvatisam in Chandram’s cover and forwards along with Lalithamba. By the time Chalapati & Gajapati loot treasure at the palace. At the same time, Chakravarthy, with everybody, lands and bars them when Gajapati exposes the Parvatisam couple's deception. All at once, lowlifes turn tail by locking the women. Here, as a flabbergast, barely survived Chandram hinders them. Soon after, Gajapati reforms by perceiving Chandram’s morals of bestowing his totality to orphans, but Chalapati stays the same and attempts murder. At last, Chalapati becomes a victim of Gajapati’s bullet while defending Chandram, and he also self-sacrifices. Finally, the movie ends by showing their friendship is immortal.