The channel was first launched as Madras Television Centre (Doordarshan Kendra Chennai) on 15 August 1975 as a South Indian First Television Channel and Indian 5th Television Channel. The second channel was launched as DD 2 on 1 June 1988 as an entertainment channel. It started off with a two-hour programming per day.
Doordarshan Kendra Chennai's regional satellite network, DD 5, was launched on 15 April 1993. This service is viewed in India and some parts of the world. DD-5 took a new identity in Tamil and was renamed DD Podhigai on 15 January 2000.[2]
DD Podhigai was rebranded as DD Tamil HD on 19 January 2024.[3][4]
History of channel name
The name Podhigai was suggested by the viewers themselves. It is named after the Podhigai Hills situated in Tirunelveli district. This hill range is part of the Western Ghats of Southern India. This hill range is famous for its association with Sage Agastya. Legend has it that Agastya created Tamil in this hill. The Thamirabarani River originates here.
The channel offers a variety of programmes with films, infotainment programmes, news, dramas and current affairs being most prominent. The first Tamil Weekdays serial was telecast on 7 November 1995 as Viluthugal. It is the only regional language satellite channel with terrestrial transmission. Terrestrial transmission is limited to major cities in Tamil Nadu.