The Cotabato Trench is one of the main structure around the Philippines likely to be associated with tsunamigenic earthquakes. The tsunami generated by the 1976 earthquake caused about 4,000 deaths on Mindanao. Modelling of likely further tsunamis along the Cotabato Trench suggests that run-ups of several metres are likely for future earthquakes similar in size to the 1976 event.[6]
^Wu, W.N.; Lo, C.-L.; Lin, J.-Y. (2017). "Spatial variations of the crustal stress field in the Philippine region from inversion of earthquake focal mechanisms and their tectonic implications". Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 142: 109–118. Bibcode:2017JAESc.142..109W. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2017.01.036.
^Schlüter, H.U.; Block, M.; Hinz, K.; Neben, S.; Seidel, D.; Djajdihardja, Y. (2001). "Neogene sediment thickness and Miocene basin-floor fan systems of the Celebes Sea". Marine and Petroleum Geology. 18 (7): 849–861. doi:10.1016/S0264-8172(01)00027-7.