is contained in NL/K(L×), where NL/K is field norm map and is the maximal ideal of K.[1] Equivalently, n is the smallest integer such that the local Artin map is trivial on . Sometimes, the conductor is defined as where n is as above.[2]
The conductor of an extension measures the ramification. Qualitatively, the extension is unramified if, and only if, the conductor is zero,[3] and it is tamely ramified if, and only if, the conductor is 1.[4] More precisely, the conductor computes the non-triviality of higher ramification groups: if s is the largest integer for which the "lower numbering" higher ramification group Gs is non-trivial, then , where ηL/K is the function that translates from "lower numbering" to "upper numbering" of higher ramification groups.[5]
The conductor can be defined in the same way for L/K a not necessarily abelian finite Galois extension of local fields.[7] However, it only depends on Lab/K, the maximal abelian extension of K in L, because of the "norm limitation theorem", which states that, in this situation,[8][9]
Additionally, the conductor can be defined when L and K are allowed to be slightly more general than local, namely if they are complete valued fields with quasi-finite residue field.[10]
Archimedean fields
Mostly for the sake of global conductors, the conductor of the trivial extension R/R is defined to be 0, and the conductor of the extension C/R is defined to be 1.[11]
Global conductor
Algebraic number fields
The conductor of an abelian extension L/K of number fields can be defined, similarly to the local case, using the Artin map. Specifically, let θ : Im → Gal(L/K) be the global Artin map where the modulusm is a defining modulus for L/K; we say that Artin reciprocity holds for m if θ factors through the ray class group modulom. We define the conductor of L/K, denoted , to be the highest common factor of all moduli for which reciprocity holds; in fact reciprocity holds for , so it is the smallest such modulus.[12][13][14]
Taking as base the field of rational numbers, the Kronecker–Weber theorem states that an algebraic number field K is abelian over Q if and only if it is a subfield of a cyclotomic field, where denotes a primitive nth root of unity.[15] If n is the smallest integer for which this holds, the conductor of K is then n if K is fixed by complex conjugation and otherwise.
The global conductor is the product of local conductors:[17]
As a consequence, a finite prime is ramified in L/K if, and only if, it divides .[18] An infinite prime v occurs in the conductor if, and only if, v is real and becomes complex in L.