The members of the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) who opposed the reformist trend that ended being called "Eurocommunism" supported by the Central Committee of the PCE, and being in the situation of loss of organic link with his party, or even having been sanctioned, decided to create autonomous cells inside the party, but with their own political line. José Satué and Fernando Sagaseta were the leaders of the organization.
In 1976 CC left the PCE because the party banned cell-type organization, considering that the upcoming legalization made that kind of organization an anachronism. CC left the party due to this decision.
In 1980-1981 the importance of CC declined and internal conflicts arose. In 1984 the majority of the party joined the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE), and (de facto) CC disappeared. In theory, CC never dissolved, but currently has no public activity.