The documentary features two young protagonists: Ola and Nikodem. Ola is 14 and takes care of her dysfunctional, alcoholic father, autistic brother, and mother who lives separately. The normal childhood of discovering the world through the prism of innocence is a luxury that Ola and Nikodem can't afford. Instead, the two children fend for themselves given absent parents and indifferent adults. Ola hopes to bring her mother home. Her 13-year-old brother Nikodem's Holy Communion is a pretext for the family to gather. Ola is responsible for preparing the family celebration.
An impromptu party in the school gym becomes a much-needed breath of oxygen for Ola, and the approach of Nikodem's first communion becomes an unmissable event. "Nothing is normal here" shouts Ola as she returns home from the party.[2]
It teaches that no failure is final. Especially when love is involved. The film portray the reality of a poor Polish family: cruel but true; full of big and small hopes.