The film begins in Germany, where Arjun, a joyful NRI, lives with his millionaire grandparents, Krishna Rao & Padmavati. For a long time, Padmavati has wanted to witness Arjun's wedlock. Arjun detests it because he firmly believes he will lose everything he loves. Tragically, she died one morning and Krishna Rao was devastated as he could not fulfill his wife's last wish. Though he seeks to convince Arjun, he does not reciprocate. Ergo, Krishna Rao quits, and Arjun finds his whereabouts in their native village. He proceeds to where Krishna Rao states to retrieve if he splices. Then, Arjun walks on by, promising to return with his spouse.
Now he starts his quest aiding his baby buddy Puppy by selecting three beauties: Shalini, Sravani, & Sandhya, his childhood mates. Shalini is a tennis star, Sravani is a medico, and Sandhya is a women's activist. Currently, he develops intimacy with the three, introduced as a commoner Krishna, and they become pretty close to him. It throws him into a dichotomy when Krishna Rao affirms him to quest for true love as it's unique from liking. Firstly, he picks Sandhya and attempts to express her illogically. Being haughty, she rudely replies when Arjun calls her a tomboy and receives a slap. Next, he draws Shalini when he gets a phone from her airport. Arjun rushes but gets disappointed, knowing she is moving to Switzerland for a tournament and has a boyfriend. Simultaneously, he answers the phone of Sravani, who states her grandmother is severe and admitted to the hospital. So, Arjun lands therein, provides moral support to her, and covertly aids financially, too, when Sravani genuinely endears him.
Just before she conveys it, Arjun again picks up the phone from Shalini, who divulges that she has teased him. Thus, he flies to Switzerland when Shalini throws the tournament to spend time with him. That night, Prakash, Shalini's father, had outbursts that Shalini would quit the game, throwing crores of men into grief. Arjun also feels sorry for his selfish thinking. So, he backs, quoting Shalini that she should remain as an ideal, revealing his identity.
At which is aware of Sravani's engagement with an NRI. Indeed, the bridegroom forges as the helper for her grandmother's survival. Presently, Arjun completely fails and seeks an apology from Krishna Rao when he provides an idea for choosing proposals from a list. At that moment, Sandhya detects him as her childhood mate and proposes to him, which he accepts. During the bachelor party, Arjun meets Sarath, Sandhya's ex-lover, when he discerns his liking towards Sandhya even today. Thus, Arjun reunites them, convincing Sandhya. Parallelly, Arjun visits Sravani's wedding, where, overhearing the bridegroom's hellish hue, he punches him, and a brawl erupts. Krishna Rao attends the venue when Sravani asks for Arjun and spots badly hurt Arjun as Krishna. Plus, she gets knowledge of his true self, who is the actual helpmate. At last, the two embrace and get nuptials. Finally, the movie ends happily, with the newly wedded couple settling down in Germany with Krishna Rao.
A critic from The Hindu gave a positive review and noted that "Siddharth excels in all the departments and shows good comedy timing. Saloni, Charmme and Sada do justice to their roles. After a long time, Akkineni [Nageswara Rao] comes to the big screen and even matches the dancing steps along with the hero. Music by Chakri is enthralling while choreography is good".[9] Jeevi of Idlebrain gave the film rating of 3.25 out of 5 and wrote that "Producer Alexander Vallabha should be appreciated for making his debut with a film that defies the routine formula. On a whole, Chukkallo Chandrudu is a sophisticated comedy film for multiplex crowds".[10]Full Hyderabad gave a positive review and opined that "This is an enjoyable movie that provides a good time for the family. Middle-aged cynics will need an extra dose of patience, but who knows, it may even touch their romantic buttons".[11]