Chinna Madam (transl. Younger Madam) is a 1994 Indian Tamil language film directed by Dilip Kumar and produced by R. B. Choudary. The film stars Ramki, Vineetha and Nadhiya. It was released on 15 July 1994.[1]
Gopal is sentenced to the death penalty for killing his wife Gayathri, and his last wish is meeting the feminist writer Tamilarasi. When Gopal meets Tamilarasi, he tells her about his bitter past.
In the past, Gopal was from a middle-class family and lived with his mother Sharadha and his mentally ill sister Chithra. He fell in love with the rich city girl Gayathri and eventually married her. Gayathri and Gopal started to quarrel about small matters, and Gayathri didn't like the fact that he was not rich. Finally, Gayathri removed her thaali and filed for a divorce. Heartbroken, his mother, Sharadha, died of a heart attack. When Gopal proceeded with his mother's cremation, he became angry, and he ran with a fire torch to Gayathri's house, where he discovered Gayathri being on fire at her house.
After hearing his version of events, Tamilarasi decides to save Gopal at any cost before his execution.
Malini Mannath of The Indian Express wrote, "The knot had potential, but the script is insipid the treatment listless and the performances in general far from inspiring".[4]