"Child of Winter (Christmas Song)" is a song by American rock band the Beach Boys that was released as a standalone single on December 23, 1974. Written by Brian Wilson and Stephen Kalinich, it was the only Beach Boys single issued between the albums Holland and 15 Big Ones. The B-side was "Susie Cincinnati".
In a 1997 interview, Kalinich said of the song,
Brian and I decided we wanted to do a children's song and we somehow combined "Here Comes Santa Claus" with Gene Autry; I came up with this lyric about a child of winter and Brian put music to it, and then we went in to Brother Studio and recorded it. ... We just wanted to do a Christmas album. I remember I wanted to release this, but the Beach Boys didn't think there were enough harmonies, and they kind of sabotaged a major release.[1]
An early version with Dennis Wilson on lead vocals and Carl Wilson singing the bridge is reported to exist.[2]