Celeb Cooking School is a British cooking reality show that began airing on E4 on 5 September 2022. The series features a line-up of celebrities who are self-proclaimed "horrendous" home cooks. It is presented by Melvin Odoom and judged by Giorgio Locatelli and was developed by Jack Foster.
In November 2021, Channel 4 announced the commissioning of Celeb Cooking School, and described the series as a group of "self-confessed, oven-shy celebs [being dropped] into the dining deep end" as they "embark on a culinary course like no other".[1][2] In May 2022, Melvin Odoom was confirmed to be presenting the series, with chef Giorgio Locatelli and his aide Poppy O'Toole announced as judges.[3][4]
The celebrities take on an intensive cookery crash course, which sees them cook solo and subsequently in pairs. They are tasked with mastering crucial cookery techniques, and are judged by chef Giorgio Locatelli and his aide Poppy O'Toole, who decide with celebrity is eliminated each week and has to leave the school for good, before ultimately deciding who is crowned "Best in Class" at the end of the series.[3][5]
In February 2023, it was announced that the show would return for a second series.[8]Danniella Westbrook was approached but turned it down, whilst Katie Price signed up to appear on the show but quit prior to filming began.[9][10]Poppy O'Toole does not appear for this series.