The Canadian Traditional Scouting Association is a Traditional Scouting association in Ontario, Alberta, Quebec, and British Columbia in Canada. The Association is a conditional member of the World Federation of Independent Scouts. The Association is affiliated with the Baden-Powell Scouts' Association in the United Kingdom.[1]
The Association has a screening process for adult volunteers to ensure the safety of all members. This includes a Police Record Check including Vulnerable Sector Check, completion of the Application for Adult Membership, checks with four personal references, and an interview. Following this, the new member must complete a four-month probationary period.
The Association has a training program for adult volunteers. Training is delivered face-to-face in an outdoor environment. Part I and Part II courses are available.
The association is a democratic organization. Every adult member has a direct vote to elect the members of the board of directors, which is called the Executive Council. Important decisions are made at the annual general meeting where every adult has a vote and can attend in person or by teleconference. Policy development is a collaborative process by the membership.