Image |
Common Name |
Scientific name |
Powerful woodpecker |
Campephilus pollens |
Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela
Splendid woodpecker |
Campephilus splendens |
Panama, western Colombia and northwestern Ecuador
Crimson-bellied woodpecker |
Campephilus haematogaster |
Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
Red-necked woodpecker |
Campephilus rubricollis |
Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela.
Robust woodpecker |
Campephilus robustus |
Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay.
Crimson-crested woodpecker |
Campephilus melanoleucos |
Panama south to northern border regions of Argentina, and on Trinidad.
Guayaquil woodpecker |
Campephilus gayaquilensis |
southern Colombia, Ecuador and northern Peru.
Pale-billed woodpecker |
Campephilus guatemalensis |
northern Mexico to western Panama.
Cream-backed woodpecker |
Campephilus leucopogon |
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and far northwestern Uruguay.
Magellanic woodpecker |
Campephilus magellanicus |
southern Chile and southwestern Argentina
Ivory-billed woodpecker |
Campephilus principalis |
Southern United States
Cuban ivory-billed woodpecker
Campephilus principalis bairdii
Imperial woodpecker |
Campephilus imperialis – possibly extinct (2001) |