The line was electrified in the late 1980s and early 1990s, with Luxembourg also funding the electrification and upgrade of the Belgian Line 42 to Liège.[2] During a planned closure of the line in August 2022, the roof of the Schieburg Tunnel collapsed.[3] The line was therefore closed for over a year while the tunnel was repaired,[4] substantially increasing journey times in the region.[5]
The route of CFL Line 10 starts in Liege and heads east across the Meuse, before arriving in Angleur and heading south alongside the Ourthe. The route then heads east along the Ambléve until it reaches Coo, then heading south along the Glain until it reaches Bovigny, then heading south to Gouvy, then crossing the Belgium-Luxembourg border. The route then follows the Woltz river, and then the Clerve. From Kautenbach, the line follows the Wiltz, with a branch following the Wiltz to Wiltz. Near Goebelsmuhle, the Wiltz and Sauer converge, and the line then follows the Sauer. At Ettelbruck, a spur goes to Diekirch along the Sauer, and the main line follows the Alzette to Luxembourg.
^Alphonse Courtois, "Société royale grand-ducale des chemins de fer Guillaume-Luxembourg", in Manuel des fonds publics et les sociétés par actions, Garnier frères, 1863, pp. 532-534 intégral. Retrieved on 21 February 2012.