Byomkesh is a Bengalistreaming television series based on the Byomkesh Bakshi character created by Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay. Set in the 1930s, the series is based on the adventures of Byomkesh, and his friend and biographer Ajit, who usually accompanies Bakshi during his investigations. Anirban Bhattacharya portrays the lead role of Byomkesh, with Subrat Dutta in the role of Byomkesh's trusted friend-turned-aide, Ajit. The first episode premiered on Saturday, 14 October 2017, being the first Byomkesh[1] series[2] to be available on OTT platform hoichoi worldwide.[3][4]
Season 1 of the Byomkesh[5] is based on four stories, 'Satyaneshi', 'Pather Kanta, 'Artham Anartham' and 'Makorshar Rosh' written by Bengali author Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay. The season was released on 14 October 2017 with two episodes, this season was directed by Sayantan Ghoshal and the second series was released on 16 December 2017.[6][7][8]
In Season 2, Byomkesh will solve the mystery of Satyakam's murder. This series is based on 'Raketr Dag' another best seller in the Byomkesh. The first episode of the Season 2 was launched on 16 December 2017, later on, two other episodes are also being released by hoichoi. First two episodes were directed by Soumik Chattopadhyay, and the third episode was directed by Sayantan Ghoshal.[9][10][11]
Season 3 of the Byomkesh is based on the story Shajaru’r Kanta written by author Sharadindu Bandopadhyay. In this season Byomkesh investigates a series of murders that were committed by someone using a sharpened porcupine quill.
Byomkesh season 4 is based on Bengali author Sharadindu Bandopadhyay's ‘Agnibaan’. The story starts with a young girl Rekha, Byomkesh's neighbor, who dies under some mysterious circumstances in her kitchen. Byomkesh takes charge of this investigation and from here the investigation of Byomkesh begun.[12]
Directed by
Original release date
"Agnibaan Part 1"
Soumik Chattopadhyay
12 April 2019 (2019-04-12)
"Agnibaan Part 2"
Soumik Chattopadhyay
12 April 2019 (2019-04-12)
Season 5
Byomkesh season 5 started streaming from 10 January 2020. The season is directed by Soumik Halder based on Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay's original story 'Dushtochakra' and 'Khnuji Khnuji Nari'. All the cast remains the same except this time Suprobhat Das plays the role of Ajit.[13]
Directed by
Original release date
"Tetallisher Monnontor"
Soumik Halder
February 2020 (2020-0110)
"Khnuji Khnuji Nari"
Soumik Halder
10 January 2020 (2020-01-10)
Season 6
Byomkesh season 6 started streaming from 8 January 2021. The season is directed by Soumik Halder based on Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay's original story 'Mogno Mainak'.[citation needed]
Directed by
Original release date
Soumik Halder
8 January 2021 (2021-01-08)
"Rohoshyomoy Mouth Organ"
Soumik Halder
8 January 2021 (2021-01-08)
"Deshbhager Khesharawd"
Soumik Halder
8 January 2021 (2021-01-08)
Season 7
Byomkesh season 7 released on 4 November 2021 at Diwali eve.[14] The season is directed by Soumik Halder based on Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay's original story 'Chorabali'.
Directed by
Original release date
Soumik Halder
4 November 2021 (2021-11-04)
Soumik Halder
4 November 2021 (2021-11-04)
Season 8
On 7 April 2023, Hoichoi released the eighth season of Byomkesh, titled Byomkesh O Pinjrapol. It is based on Chiriyakhana. This time, Bhattacharya became the creative director of the show. Pratik Dutta wrote the adapted screenplay and dialogues. It is directed by Sudipto Roy.