The film begins with Latha, the daughter of a millionaire, Panakala Swamy, fleeing from home to avoid the reluctant alliance. She lands at Tirupati, where she is acquainted with a guy named Ravi in a squabble. Ravi lives with his parents and grandmother, Lakshmi Devi. Once, Balu, Ravi's bestie, is in a jam about his love with a girl, Tara, Latha's buddy. Since Balu is terrified of his grandfather, Jeedimetla Zamindar, he sits with Ravi & Latha as his parents in old attire to fix the match. It backfires on Zamindar's arrival when Ravi & Latha fall in love in that chaos. According to destiny, Panakalu is to finalize Latha's wedlock with Balu.
Meanwhile, Guru Murthy, an NRI brought up by Ravi's grandfather Jagannadham, invites Lakshmi Devi to the inauguration of his company in Hyderabad. Whereat, Lakshmi Devi revolts & collapses, sighting Panakalu while launching Jagannadham's photograph, accusing him of being her husband's hitman. Forthwith, Ravi rushes and seeks the fact when she spins back. Years ago, Jagannadham dreamed of building a house called Brundavanam in the city to spend a delightful life after retirement. At that time, he shelters their distant relative Panakalu and accords him of the construction duties. However, slick Panakalu hoodwinks and occupies the house. Despite moving legal proceedings, Jagannadham failed because of Panakalu's scam, which led to his death. Hearing it, Ravi pledges to retrieve their property. Ergo, he forges as a big fish in a multinational corporation. Ravi tenants half of their residence with the Balu's aid and sets foot in. He is startled to view Latha therein, who mingles him getting the totality.
From there, Ravi takes several steps in a comic tale: mocks Panakalu by counterfeiting a murder, mentioning the presence of a ghost in the house, etc. The tortures vex Panakalu, and he mentions selling the home. Due to hard luck, Ravi's game reverses since Panakalu detects him by reading the caution letter written by Lakshmi Devi. So, Panakalu enrages attempts to expel him, but Ravi sticks artfully with the legal side. As a glimpse, Balu runs a play, intrudes on Tara as a maid Raave, and teaches a lesson to his grandfather. Ravi is currently moving another ball in the guise of Tycoon Upendra Nath. He hires a palace and tempts it to auction for a small price. Hence, Panakalu bargains for all his assets to gain it. Amid the deal, the actual owner, Perumallu, suddenly lands and experiences a humorous confusion drama. Parallelly, Ravi catches their house with funds supplied by Panakalu with his father. After completing the transactions, Ravi snatches his entire wealth and closes up his drama. At last, regretful Panakalu apologizes to Lakshmi Devi, which she bestows. Finally, the movie ends happily with Ravi & Latha's marriage.