Despite being declared extinct in its native range, Brugmansia aurea is a popular ornamental and is widely cultivated, like the other members of its genus. It is sold and grown as a garden plant, described as a large evergreen subtropical shrub capable of growing to 20 ft (6.1 m) in height. The large, pendent, trumpet-shaped yellow or white blooms appear in summer and autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. These flowers produce a sweet and pleasant fragrance, which is at its strongest in the evening.[2]
Several cultivars exist, notably 'Grand Marnier' with peach-coloured flowers. As with other members of its genus, it cannot handle temperatures below 5 °C (41 °F), but in colder climates can be placed outside in a sheltered spot during the summer months.[4][5]
It is used as a hallucinogen. Its most potent cultivar is Culebra Borrachero, which has a high concentration of the psychoactive scopolamine.[7] It has also been used as a truth serum.[8] Borrachero loosely translates to "get-you-drunk", and scopolamine is also known as Devil's Breath[9] and burundanga.[10]