The show features around 1,000 show pigeons and 2,000 racing pigeons.[1] Fanciers compete for the award of "Best in Class" in 32 different categories, one of which wins the prize of "Supreme Champion of Great Britain".[3] Auctions are held at the event as well;[1] pigeons have sold for up to £10,000 at the event.[1][3] Suppliers for various pigeon-related products exhibit at the event.[3]
Currently, approximately 25,000 people visit the show each year.[1] The event has a positive effect on the local tourist industry and some hotels, normally closed in winter, open especially for the show.[1] The estimated income from the event is £11 million.[3] Most of the visitors come from the UK and Ireland, but the event also attracts an international audience from Europe and parts of Asia.[3] The show's profits are split between different charities,[2] including British Pigeon Fanciers Medical Research, which offers advice about bird fancier's lung.[3] Since the first Show of the Year, the event has raised over £2.5 million for charity.[3]