Breaking a Monster is a 2015 American documentary film directed by Luke Meyer. The film follows the teen heavy metal band Unlocking the Truth through a monumental year in which they take on a manager (Alan Sacks, known for creating Welcome Back Kotter, producing Thrashin’ and for his work with The Jonas Brothers), sign a $1.8 million record deal with Sony Music, tour across North America, and record their first album. The film is made in an observational style, following the teen musicians, Alec Atkins, Malcom Brickhouse and Jarad Dawkins, through a series of life-changing events, touching on themes of child-stardom, racial representation and the stark realities of the music industry.[1]
The feature documentary followed a short from two years earlier that Luke Meyer had made about the band when they were 11 year-olds. The feature documentary was produced by Black Label Media with SeeThink Films.[2]