The series follows Bow, a bull terrier that, starting out as a stray dog, lounges in with a struggling manga artist for a while before being adopted by Sayaka, a third grader and the daughter of a yakuza family. Initially the father is unwilling to take the dog in, especially as he is extremely accident-prone, but changes his mind after Bow saves the life of his gang's boss.
The rest of the story follows Bow's mishaps with Sayaka, her family (particularly her father, who shares an antagonistic relationship with him) and pets, along with the rest of the neighborhood.
A forty-episode anime television series (containing two segments each), titled Heisei Inu Monogatari Bow (平成イヌ物語バウ, Heisei Inu Monogatari Bau, "Modern Dog Tales Bow"), was broadcast on TV Asahi from October 14, 1993, to September 22, 1994.[6][7]Lindberg performed the opening theme song, "Daikirai!" (大キライ!), and the first ending theme "Futarikiri de Ikōyo" (二人きりで行こうよ); the second ending theme is "Nengara Noutenki" (年がらノー天気) by Ed Yamaguchi and Bow.[8]
A 22-minute film, titled Heisei Inu Monogatari Bow: Genshi Inu Monogatari Bow (平成イヌ物語バウ 原始イヌ物語バウ, Heisei Inu Monogatari Bau Genshi Inu Monogatari Bau) was released on August 20, 1994.[9]
Video game
A video game developed by Takara, titled Heisei Inu Monogatari Bow Pop'n Smash!! (平成イヌ物語バウ ポップンスマッシュ!!, Heisei Inu Monogatari Bau Poppun Sumasshu!!) was release for the Super Famicom on April 28, 1994.[10]