Bopomofo is a Unicode block containing phonetic characters for Chinese. The original set of 40 Bopomofo characters is based on the Chinese standard GB 2312. Additional Bopomofo characters can be found in the Bopomofo Extended block.
Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2015-09-01), "M63.11u", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 63, Rotate the glyph for 3127 BOPOMOFO LETTER I by 90 degrees, with an appropriate change in the annotation, per request in document N4609
Moore, Lisa (2015-11-16), "Consensus 145-C20", UTC #145 Minutes, Approve U+312E BOPOMOFO LETTER O WITH DOT ABOVE for encoding in a future version of the standard. See document L2/15-270.