He was an editorial cartoonist for the National Business Review from 1975 to 2018, specialising in political satire. As a biologist he is interested in animal populations, animal behaviour and diseases and did his PhD on hedgehog ecology. He has published material on butterfly evolution in Sicily, behaviour of sparrows, magpies, possums, starlings, mange mites, animal roadkill, flax flowering, cabbage tree disease.
He was science columnist for Wellington's Dominion Post newspaper from 2001 to 2018.[1]
Brockie takes a strong interest in refuting popular myths, like danger to humans from 1080 poison used to control possum populations.[2]
A Living New Zealand Forest: A Community of Plants and Animals (1992), David Bateman Publishing, ISBN186953039X, presents results of a 25-year study of the Orongorongo range near Wellington
Brockie, Bob, Brockie: A Memoir in Words, Cartoons & Sketches (2015), Fraser Books, ISBN9780958232074