Very rare genetic disorder
Medical condition
Blepharophimosis-ptosis-esotropia-syndactyly-short stature syndrome |
Other names | Frydman Cohen Karmon syndrome,
Blepharophimosis — ptosis — esotropia — syndactyly — short stature[1] |
"Blepharophimosis-ptosis-esotropia-syndactyly-short stature syndrome" follows an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern |
Specialty | Medical genetics |
Symptoms | Short stature, minor congenital anomalies, facial dysmorphisms, muscle weakness, blepharophimosis, and ptosis |
Blepharophimosis-ptosis-esotropia-syndactyly-short stature syndrome is a very rare genetic and congenital disorder which is characterized by blepharophimosis, ptosis, V-esotropia, foot syndactyly, extra-ocular and frontal muscles weakness, low height/short stature, prognathism, and synophrys.[2][3][4]
Only six cases from three consanguineous families across the world have been reported in medical literature.[5] This disorder follows an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern.[6]
Less commonly, anosmia, moderate intellectual disability, hypertelorism, and increased thickness of lower lips and eyebrows can also appear as symptoms of the syndrome[7]