Set in the mid-1980s,[1] against the backdrop of Cold War's last rales, the plot follows the plight of Bolivia-born and Cuba-raised Ainhoa in her journeys across the Basque Country (her father's homeland), Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Marseille.[2]
The films if an BIB2 Ainhoa AIE, Talka Records, Draftoon, and Lagarto production.[5] It had the participation of Basque Autonomous Community's EiTB[6] and the support of Argentina's INCAA.[7] A Spanish-Argentine co-production, it received however no support from Spain's ICAA nor RTVE.[8]
Juan Pablo Cinelli of Página/12 considered that, limitations of the animation work notwithstanding, the film is "sufficiently expressive" so it can effectively fulfill its didactic purpose: "to give an account of the revolutionary causes active during the '80s".[1]