The joint venture has a management board consisting of eleven members "with representation from Canadian and U.S. wildlife agencies".[5] It is advised by a technical board composed of waterfowl biologists, which is responsible for project implementation and progress evaluation.
[6][5] Members are also organized into working groups representing each program in its scope.[6] Its current coordinator is Brigitte Collins.[7]
The management board reports to the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, and is responsible for "overall program coordination, and for developing funding and delivery mechanisms".[5] The Black Duck Joint Venture receives some of its funding from research grants. From 1989 to 1994, it had an operational budget of about CAD $870,000.[8]
The efforts of American black duck researchers in Canada and the United States is coordinated via the Black Duck Joint Venture, including research related to "monitoring, population dynamics, harvest management and ecological requirements".[9] The current science coordinator is Patrick Devers.[7]
The joint venture has conducted banding and survey programs in cooperation with other organizations, for which data collected is used in harvest management.[4] The program led to more restrictive harvest regulations in the 1980s, which has led to the stabilization of American black duck populations in some areas and recovery in others.[2]
In 1990, the venture began "large-scale aerial surveys of breeding populations" of all species of eastern ducks and some other species to identify trends in breeding populations of those species.[10] This consisted of helicopter surveys in southern Quebec and throughout the Maritime Provinces.[11] Breeding ground surveys have also been conducted.[8] from the mid-1990s to 2002, the number of breeding pairs in Quebec had more than doubled to 396,000.[11]
Milton, Randy (Spring 1994). "Managing the Black Duck". Conservation. Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources. Retrieved January 1, 2014.
Sands, Joseph P.; DeMaso, Stephen J.; Schnupp, Matthew J.; Brennan, Leonard A., eds. (2012). Wildlife Science: Connecting Research with Management. CRC Press. ISBN9781439847732.