The show was produced by Endemol Globo and presented by Pedro Bial. The season was officially confirmed since 2001 as part of the original contract between international Endemol and Rede Globo that provided seasons until 2008.
The grand prize was R$500.000 without tax allowances, with a R$50.000 prize offered to the runner-up and a R$30.000 prize offered to the housemate in third place.
For the first time, two seasons were filmed and aired back to back in the same year and the only season to air in the South American winter. It's also the first time the final vote included two housemates.
Reunion show
The reunion was hosted by Pedro Bial and aired on July 28, 2002. All the former housemates attended.
The men had choose two women (the women would do the same with the men) to compete for a spot in the final vote for the "Big Boss Prize", which awarded R$50.000. Rita and Moisés (who won their rounds against Thaís and Fabrício with 65% and 84% of the votes respectively) competed in the final vote, with Moisés ended up beating Rita with 79% of the fans' vote.[1]
In 2023, Fernando Fernandes appeared as a Circo (Circus) in The Masked Singer Brasil 3, he joined Group B and sang two songs before his unmasking at the fourth episode, placing at 11th in the competition.
^Note 1 : Manuela and Rodrigo received the most nominations with 2 each. Thyrso, as current Head of Household, had the casting vote and chose Rodrigo to be the second nominee.
^Note 2 : Already nominated by the Head of Household, Thyrso was the only person to vote, since Rodrigo had immunity and Cida and Manuela's votes would cancel each other out.
^Note 3 : Manuela won the final Head of Household competition. Therefore, Cida and Rodrigo were automatically nominated for eviction by default.
^Note 4 : For the finale, the public voted for the finalist they want to win Big Brother Brasil 2.