Bharat Ki Shaan: Singing Star is an Indian television singing competition series broadcast on DD National. The series is produced by Gajendra Singh of Saaibaba Telefilms.
Season 1
The Grand-Finale of the 1st season was held on 1 March 2010.[1] The winner of the 2010 cycle was Sumit Khatri, who received a trophy and two Bajaj Discover Bikes. The 1st runner-up was Sanjeev Kumar and the 2nd runner- up was Arindam Chakrabarti.
The third season was hosted by Manoj Tiwari again and won by Vishal Mishra. Vishal Mishra also won Bharat Ki Shaan Mahavijeta. Vibhor Parashar was the 1st runner-up in both Season 3 and Bharat Ki Shaan Mahavijeta. Amika Shail became 2nd runner-up in Season3 and also won.