Below Deck Down Under is an American reality television series that premiered on Peacock on March 17, 2022. The show is the third spin-off of Below Deck, following Below Deck Mediterranean and Below Deck Sailing Yacht. Announced in February 2022, the series chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a 150-foot-plus superyacht during a six week charter season in Australia. Aesha Scott, the series' chief stew, previously appeared on Below Deck Mediterranean. Captain Jason Chambers made Australian headlines in 2019 after an accident where he crashed a superyacht into a wharf in Queensland.[1] In May 2023, it was announced that the series would be permanently moving from Peacock to Bravo.[2] The second season of the series began airing on July 17, 2023.
^Bradbury returned in season 2, episode 3, as a replacement deckhand; he also serves as interim Bosun during season 2, episode 7.
^Dennison appears in episodes 14–17, replacing Ziomek.
^McKeown appears in episodes 1–14, before being let go for his job performance.
^Post appears in episodes 14–17, replacing McKeown.
^Ziomek appears in episodes 1–14, before being let go for her job performance.
^Bileskaline appears in episodes 1–7, before being let go for her general disregard for personal boundaries and lack of respect for her co-workers.
^Luka joined the boat to help add some more experience to the deck team, replacing Kodra in episode 13. Luka already was friends with chief steward Aesha Scott before joining. He also had a previous relationship with season one stewardess Magda Ziomek.
^Franco, who previously appeared on Below Deck Mediterranean, appears in episode 8 onwards, replacing Jones.
^Jones appears in episodes 1–7, before being let go for sexual misconduct towards a fellow crew member.
^Kodra appears in episodes 1–13, before being let go for his inexperience on super yachts.
^Neale appears in episode 9 onwards, replacing Bileskaline.
^Sisson first appears in episode 2, having been on a different charter at the start of production of season 2.
Season 1 of Below Deck Down Under aired on Peacock in the United States and Hayu in the UK and Australia every Thursday. It began airing on March 17, 2022 on Peacock and Hayu.[citation needed]
Season 2 of Below Deck Down Under airs on Bravo, with episodes being available on Peacock the next day.