Species of fish common to the area include, among others:
Yellow perch
White perch
Smallmouth bass
American eel
Lamprey eel
Pumpkin seed sunfish
Brown bull head catfish
Yellow bull head catfish
White bull head catfish
Southern channel catfish (a very rare catch in Canada)
Chain pickerel
Muskey (also rare)
Stripped bass
Brown trout
Atlantic salmon
The bay is oriented northeast from the river, which it joins at the head of Long Reach, just south of the village of Evandale. Belleisle Bay forms part of the northern boundary of southern New Brunswick's "Kingston Peninsula", with the southern boundary being the Kennebecasis River.
Belleisle Bay has little current as it has few freshwater inlets and acts more-or-less as a lake in a glacial valley, framed by the low rolling hills of the St. Croix Highlands of the Appalachian range. Although the bay is mostly freshwater, the entire lower Saint John River system has a limited saltwater tidal influence resulting from the Reversing Falls. Its waters freeze completely in the winter months.
Measuring approximately 18 kilometers long by 1 kilometer wide, Belleisle Bay has several small freshwater streams, namely Kingston Creek, near the mouth of the bay, and Belleisle Creek at the head of the bay. A small wetland also exists at the head of the bay. The bay hosts a single island, Ghost Island, located between Elmhurst and Lower Kars.