A proof of the formula in the context of the six operations formalism developed by Yves Laszlo and Martin Olsson[6] is given by Shenghao Sun.[7]
By definition, if C is a category in which each object has finitely many automorphisms, the number of points in is denoted by
with the sum running over representatives p of all isomorphism classes in C. (The series may diverge in general.) The formula states: for a smooth algebraic stack X of finite type over a finite field and the "arithmetic" Frobenius, i.e., the inverse of the usual geometric Frobenius in Grothendieck's formula,[8][9]
When X is a variety, the smooth cohomology is the same as etale one and, via the Poincaré duality, this is equivalent to Grothendieck's trace formula. (But the proof of Behrend's trace formula relies on Grothendieck's formula, so this does not subsume Grothendieck's.)
Simple example
Consider , the classifying stack of the multiplicative group scheme (that is, ). By definition, is the category of principal-bundles over , which has only one isomorphism class (since all such bundles are trivial by Lang's theorem). Its group of automorphisms is , which means that the number of -isomorphisms is .
On the other hand, we may compute the l-adic cohomology of directly. We remark that in the topological setting, we have (where now denotes the usual classifying space of a topological group), whose rational cohomology ring is a polynomial ring in one generator (Borel's theorem), but we shall not use this directly. If we wish to stay in the world of algebraic geometry, we may instead "approximate" by projective spaces of larger and larger dimension. Thus we consider the map induced by the -bundle corresponding to This map induces an isomorphism in cohomology in degrees up to 2N. Thus the even (resp. odd) Betti numbers of are 1 (resp. 0), and the l-adic Galois representation on the (2n)th cohomology group is the nth power of the cyclotomic character. The second part is a consequence of the fact that the cohomology of is generated by algebraic cycle classes. This shows that
Note that
Multiplying by , one obtains the predicted equality.