The film begins with a samaritan named Purushotham, who has two sons, Ravi & Venu, and he brings up a girl, Saroja, the daughter of Lakshmi, who serves as his children's governess. Seshagiri, a vicious man, deceives Saroja, and she attempts suicide and is declared dead. After five years, Ravi, in quest of a job, is acquainted with his father's friend Raja Rao, and his daughter Jyothi falls in love with him. Ravi starts the industry with his aid, earns well soon, and is engaged in wedlock with Jyothi. Once, Ravi is distressed to view Saroja as a club dancer. So, he meets her when she reveals Seshagiri's betrayal, and she backs from killing herself since she is pregnant. Moreover, Saroja divulges that she covetously nurtures her infant, Uma, unbeknownst to her. Now Ravi takes liability for the baby and accommodates Saroja as a nurse at his bestie, Dr Prasad. Hereupon, Chidambaram, a sly maternal uncle of Ravi, is appointed as his manager, who mingles and ruses with Seshagiri. Both spread rumors, making everyone suspect Ravi & Saroja, including Purushotham & Jyothi. Plus, Venu sues his brother by goading black guards. Now, as a flabbergast, Seshagiri is slaughtered, in which Ravi self-incriminates. At last, Purushotham arrives & passes away in the court hall, announcing himself as the homicide and Saroja as his progeny. Finally, the movie ends happily with the marriage of Ravi & Jyothi and the couple adopting Uma.