Soledad is a young, beautiful woman who lives in the small, quiet town of El Guayabo where she works at the local tobacco factory "Caribana" as a winder. One night, destiny brings her to meet Alejandro, a young and ambitious developer from the city who has lost his memory after being hit on the head and robbed of his possessions. After a while, the townspeople discover that Alejandro is the owner of the town and the man behind the development project of a beach resort that will destroy their simple way of life, their homes and the tobacco lands surrounding the factory which forms their only source of income. Everyone begins to treat him with hostility, although he himself is yet to regain his memory.
It is after this discovery that it is revealed that Soledad's real mother who was thought to be dead is actually alive. Catalina spent the last 20 years in prison for killing her abusive husband who was actually the son of the town's patriarch, Don Luis Santana, owner of the tobacco factory. Because of this, she is the only legitimate heir and owner of the tobacco lands and thus, she can undo the sale of the lands to the developer. Don Luis, who is aware of Soledad's true paternity, offers Catalina a deal that if she saves the town from ruin, then he will reunite her with her daughter.
Mother and daughter do not know of each other's existence, as Soledad thinks that the parents that raised her are her real parents while Catalina thinks that her daughter was adopted in another country. Mother and daughter will finally be reunited, but they will both fall in love with the same man, thus tearing them apart.