Here, Hr(X,F) is the r-th étale cohomology group of the schemeX with values in F, and Extr(F,G) is the group of r-extensions of the étale sheaf G by the étale sheaf F in the category of étale abelian sheaves on X. Moreover, Gm denotes the étale sheaf of units in the structure sheaf of X.
Christopher Deninger (1986) proved Artin–Verdier duality for constructible, but not necessarily torsion sheaves. For such a sheaf F, the above pairing induces isomorphisms
Finite flat group schemes
Let U be an open subscheme of the spectrum of the ring of integers in a number field K, and F a finite flat commutative group scheme over U. Then the cup product defines a non-degenerate pairing
of finite abelian groups, for all integers r.
Here FD denotes the Cartier dual of F, which is another finite flat commutative group scheme over U. Moreover, is the r-th flat cohomology group of the scheme U with values in the flat abelian sheaf F, and is the r-th flat cohomology with compact supports of U with values in the flat abelian sheaf F.
The flat cohomology with compact supports is defined to give rise to a long exact sequence
The sum is taken over all places of K, which are not in U, including the archimedean ones. The local contribution Hr(Kv, F) is the Galois cohomology of the HenselizationKv of K at the place v, modified a la Tate: