Ardab Mutiyaran is a 2019 Punjabi-language romantic comedydrama film directed by Manav Shah. The film is produced by Gunbir Singh Sidhu and Manmord Sidhu under the banner White Hill Studios. Starring Sonam Bajwa, Mehreen Pirzada, Ajay Sarkaria and Ninja, the story of the film revolves around Babbu Bains (played by Sonam Bajwa), who fights evils of the society in her own style. She represents all the women, who fight for their own identity.[1]
Babbu Bains, a young, spirited and bold girl finds her calling as a recovery agent in a finance company (Chaddha Finance) run by another headstrong girl, Shruti. Babbu’s partner Vicky is always at the receiving end of Shruti’s wrath. Owing to their constant clashes, Shruti sends Babbu for a false recovery to bring her down. This results in Babbu meeting Rinku Bansal, an only bachelor in his house dominated by his sisters-in-law. Rinku falls head over heels in love with her at first sight. Rinku and Babbu get married and Vicky ends up tying the knot with Shruti. Vickey's household is dominated by his mother Sudesh as his dad is a hen-pecked husband. Thus, begins the epic saga of power play between these women both at their workplace and their respective homes. While the men try to make peace between them but end up being pulled at both the ends in this tug of war.
Sonam Bajwa as Babbu Bains Bansal (Vicky's friend and Rinku's wife)
Ajay Sarkaria as Rinku Bansal (Bittu's brother and Babbu's husband)
The film was announced in July 2019, with lead cast of Sonam Bajwa, Mehreen Pirzada, Ninja and Ajay Sarkaria.[3][4][5]
It marked as Ajay Sarkaria's debut film.
The first look of the film was released on 17 September 2019.[6] The official trailer of the film was released by White Hill Music on 19 September 2019.[7] Dialogue promo was released on 4 October 2019.[8]
The film was theatrically released on 18 October 2019.[2][9]
The songs are composed by Desi Crew, Jassi Katyal, Goldboy, Beat Minister, The Kidd, Gur Sidhu and Cheetah on lyrics of Sidhu Moose Wala, Harmanjeet, Gur Sidhu, Sukh Sohal, Singa, Vicky Gill, Jassi Lokka, and Satta Vairowalia.
Manpriya Singh of The Tribune praised the script as refreshing, having a good storyline and funny dialogues. Singh praised the performance of Bajwa, Ajay Sarkaria and the cameo by Navneet Nishan but concluded, "our Jatti [Bajwa] is loud and clear. This film belongs to her."[10]