Antonio Bordoni was born in Mezzana Corti (province of Pavia) on 19 July 1788, and graduated in Mathematics from Pavia on 7 June 1807.
After just two months he was appointed teacher of mathematics at the military School of Pavia, established by Napoleon, and held such office until 1816 when the school was closed due to the political situation of the times.
On 1 November 1817 he became full professor of elementary pure mathematics at the university and in 1818 he held the chair of infinitesimal calculus, geodesy and hydrometry, a discipline he taught for 23 years.
In 1827 and 1828 he was dean of the university itself. In 1854, as the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Pavia (it previously belonged to the one of the Philosophy) was established, he was elected director of mathematical studies and held such office until his death, which occurred 26 March 1860, just one month after being appointed senator.
Nuovi teoremi di meccanica elementare memoria del sig. A. Bordoni, inserita nell'ottavo tomo del Giornale di Fisica Chimica ec. del Sig. Brugnatelli, Pavia: dalla tipografia eredi Galeazzi, 1815.
Trattato di geodesia elementare di Antonio Bordoni, con 17 tavole, Milano, per P.E. Giusti fonditore-tipografo, 1825.
Proposizioni teoriche e pratiche trattate in iscuola dal professore Antonio Bordoni e raccolte dal dottor Carlo Pasi, Pavia, dalla tipografia Bizzoni, 1829.
Lezioni di calcolo sublime, Milano, per P. E. Giusti, 1831.