Anthaku Minchi is a 2018 Indian Telugu-language romantic horror thriller film written and directed by Jhony, Cinematography by Balreddy and produced by Jai and Padmanabha Reddy under Satish Jai Films and U&I Entertainments banner. It features Rashmi Gautham, Jai sampath, Ajay Ghosh, Surya, Madhunandan, Ravi Prakash in the lead roles. The film was released worldwide on August 24, 2018. It was dubbed into Hindi as well.[1][2]The film's title is based on a dialogue from the Telugu dubbed version of the 2015 Tamil-film I.
This film has two songs composed by Sunil Kashyap and lyrics are written by Karunakar Adigarla. Music released on August 21, 2018 through Aditya Music.[3] and audio launch covered by Friday Poster Channel in Hyderabad.[4]
A critic from Times of India Samayam gave the film a rating of 2+1⁄2 out of 5 stars.[5] A critic from 123telugu gave the film a rating of 1+3⁄4 out of 5 stars.[6]