Ane no Kekkon (姉の結婚, lit. "Older Sister's Marriage") is a Japanese slice of liferomancejoseimanga series written and illustrated by Keiko Nishi. It was serialized in Shogakukan's Flowers manga magazine from September 2010 to August 2014. It was compiled into 8 volumes published between 2011 and 2014. The series is published in French by Panini.[1]
Written and illustrated by Keiko Nishi, Ane no Kekkon was serialized in Shogakukan's Flowers manga magazine from September 28, 2010 to August 2014.[2][1]
Volume 1 reached the 16th place on the weekly Oricon manga chart and, as of May 15, 2011, has sold 21,534 copies;[11] volume 2 reached the 10th place and, as of November 13, 2011, has sold 54,922 copies;[12] volume 3 reached the 8th place[13] and, as of May 20, 2012, has sold 108,418 copies;[14] volume 4 reached the 8th place[15] and, as of December 9, 2012, has sold 136,153 copies;[16] volume 5 reached the 8th place and, as of May 11, 2013, has sold 59,486 copies;[17] volume 6 reached the 5th place and, as of November 17, 2013, has sold 122,828 copies;[18] volume 7 reached the 8th place and, as of May 18, 2014, has sold 123,378 copies;[19] volume 8 reached the 3rd place[20] and, as of November 23, 2014, has sold 139,476 copies.[21] The series was the 14th Shogakukan manga series with the largest number of first printings between April 2013 and March 2014, with 180,000.[22]
On, it has a staff grade of 15.67 out of 20.[1] On Manga Sanctuary, it has a staff grade from one staff member of 8 out of 10.[23]
It was number 4 on the 2012 Kono Manga ga Sugoi! Top 20 Manga for Female Readers survey[24] and number 10 on the 2013 list.[25] It was number 14 on the 15th Book of the Year list by Da Vinci magazine.[26]