From 1878 to 1882 he worked as a gardener at the agricultural school in Hildesheim. From 1890 onward, he worked as an independent author.[1] He was editor of the horticultural publication Der Deutsche Gartenrat.
He was the author of a popular botanical dictionary for gardeners, titled Botanisches Hilfs- und Wörterbuch (6th edition, 1922).[2] He also edited the third edition of Vilmorin's Blumengärtnerei (1896).[3] Other noted works by Voss include:
Gründzüge der Gartenkultur; Wachstumsbedingungen, Bodenbereitung, Anzucht, Schnitt und Schutz, 1894 – Foundations of garden culture; growth conditions, soil preparation, breeding, cutting and protection.
Wörterbuch der deutschen pflanzennamen, wild, nutz- und zierpflanzen des freilandes und der gewächshäuser, 1922 – Dictionary of German plant names, wild, useful and ornamental plants of the field and the greenhouses.[4]