András Rajnai was a Hungarian TV director and screenwriter who worked for Hungarian Television (Magyar Televízió Müvelödési Föszerkesztöség: MTV) between 1958 and 1996. He was born on July 7, 1934, in Budapest, Hungary, and died on January 28, 2004 (age 69), also in Budapest. He was known for his use of blue-screen special effects techniques which he applied to television adaptations of science fiction and fantasy stories, by authors such as Stanislaw Lem, Isaac Asimov, Alexei Tolstoy, Jonathan Swift, Dante Alighieri and others.
His director credits (according to IMDb,[1] except where otherwise indicated), are
1994 Szent Gellért legendája (TV Movie) (also screenplay)
1991 A próbababák bálja (TV Movie)
1989 Szindbád nyolcadik utazása (TV Mini-Series)
1985 Gyémántpiramis (TV Movie)
1982 Régi idők sci-fije - Sci-fi of old times (TV Movie)[2]