The American Reality Television Awards, also known as The ARTAS, is a set of annual awards that were created by Kristen Moss and Andrew Ward in 2013.[1][2] It is presented by the Academy of Reality Television and is the first awards show to recognize talent on screen and behind the scenes of reality television.[3]
In November 2023, the 10th Annual ARTAS Show was held, and it received more than two million votes in all categories.
The ARTAS was founded by executive producers Kristen Moss and Andrew Ward with the intention of supporting, examining, and redefining the art of reality in media by rewarding quality, promoting experimentation, and acknowledging that the audience is at the center of the entertainment industry.[3][4]
In 2013, the first awards were given out for excellence in front of and behind the camera in all aspects of unscripted television. Since then, the awards have been presented to recognize and promote the vast array of content that has brought reality television to the forefront of entertainment.[5]
In 2021, Chayce Beckham received ARTAS Award for Outstanding Judging Panel.[7]
In 2023, The American Reality Television Awards were honored to be awarded 3 Telly Awards in the categories of Online Entertainment, Social Video General, and Non-Broadcast Low Budget.