Alone is a 2015 Indian romantic thriller film directed by JKS. Titled Alone in Kannada and Karaioram in Tamil. The film stars Simran, Nikesha Patel, Vasishta N. Simha, Ganesh, Ineya and Radha Ravi in lead roles. The Kannada version of the film was released in November 2015, while the Tamil film was released in January 2016.[1]
The film was announced in September 2014 to be a Kannada horror film titled Alone, but subsequently developed into a multilingual venture. Nikesha Patel was signed to play the lead role, while Kamna Jethmalani was considered for another role. Kamna was later replaced by Ineya for the second leading female role by the launch ceremony of the film.[2]Vasishta N. Simha was revealed to be playing a leading role, while M. S. Bhaskar and Singampuli were also noted to be a part of the cast.[3]
In April 2015, Simran was signed on to portray a police officer in the film, and was revealed to be making a guest appearance.[4]Sunil Shetty also reportedly worked on the film, making a special appearance as a CBI officer, but later pulled out of the commitment. Reports also emerged of a rift between actresses Nikesha Patel and Ineya during the making of the film.[5] The Telugu version titled Leela is yet to release.
The Kannada version of the film, Alone, had a theatrical release during November 2015 and won mixed reviews. A critic from noted "the first half is sickening" and "one would feel bored", "but the second half is such a magnificent handling from the director".[7] The Tamil film was released on 1 January 2016 and garnered similar reviews to the Kannada version with a critic noting, "an interesting shivered film, the first half drags to the sluggish has been even out and tempo levels in the second half".[8][9][10]