Carl Allan Serlachius (Särkilahti since 1935; 21 March 1870 Porvoo – 10 December 1935, Helsinki[1]) was a Finnish lawyer, a professor and a politician. He was a state legislator, senator and member of parliament.
Serlachius gained a Ph.D. from both degrees at the University of Helsinki in 1898 and later served as professor of criminal law and legal history at the University of Helsinki from 1902 until 1917.[2]
In this capacity, he participated as a member from the clergy to the last Diet of Finland between 1904 and 1906.[3] Serlachius was the Vice-Principal of the University of Helsinki between 1915 and 1917.
After that, he acted as a chargé d'affaires of the newly independent Republic of Finland and later as special envoy and full minister to Oslo, Norway between 1918 and 1919. He was a negotiator of the Treaty of Peace between Austria-Hungary and Finland signed in Vienna on 29 May 1918.
Serlachius was a member of the Supreme Court, as legal counselor between 1923 and 1935[4]
A prize has been rewarded in his honor periodically since 2000 for Finnish practitioners of law who have worked as a researcher or teacher of law.[5]