Iranian physician and politician
Ali Shakouri-Rad (Persian : علی شکوریراد ) is an Iranian physician and reformist politician.[ 1] He is a member of Central Council in the Islamic Iran Participation Front [ 2] and Islamic Association of Iranian Medical Society .[ 3]
From 2015 to 2021, he held office as the General Secretary of Union of Islamic Iran People Party .
He was the campaign manager of Mostafa Moin for the Iranian presidential election of 2005 .[citation needed ]
Shakouri-Rad was a Majlis representative from 2000 to 2004 but was disqualified by the Guardian Council to run again in the Iranian Majlis election of 2004 .[citation needed ]
On 20 April 2016, Shakouri-Rad was threatened by Hezbollah supporters while giving a speech at Elm-o-Sanaat University in Tehran criticizing Mahmoud Ahmedinejad .[ 4]
Political prisoners in Iran
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