Justice Ramachandra Rao belongs to a highly reputed family and lives with his mother, Shanthamma, and younger brother Venu, a law student. Janaki is an illiterate callow who aims to mold her younger sister, Vijaya, into an advocate. Fortunately, Venu & Vijaya are collegians and turtle doves. Once Ramachandra Rao spots Janaki and likes her. Janaki crosses many hurdles, toils hard, and successfully establishes Vijaya as a lawyer. Soon after, Dharmaiah, Ramachandra Rao's clerk, also a well-wisher of Janaki, fixes their alliance. Knowing it, Venu & Vijaya are overjoyed and go out for a ride, where Vijaya witnesses the murder of a girl, Shobha. On the wedding day, Vijaya is shocked to see Ramachandra Rao as he is the perpetrator of the homicide she saw and pleads with Janaki to stop it. Venu overhears, contradicts her allegation, and challenges her that he will prove his brother innocent. Nevertheless, Janaki marries Ramachandra Rao, and they lead a happy life. Ramachandra Rao, however, senses something is wrong and becomes suspicious of Vijaya, but remains nonchalant. Dharmaiah's son, Bhanu, is charged with the crime of killing Shobha. Vijaya takes up the case and Janaki blesses her to stand for righteousness. In court, where Ramachandra Rao is the judge, Vijaya declares Ramachandra Rao is a muederer, which creates a lot of turmoil, and Ramachandra Rao is arrested. The case goes into sessions where Venu appears as the defense counsel, and both give a tough fight.
Bhanu's girlfriend Saroja, who is Vijaya's friend, tries to help Vijaya in the case. She goes to Shobha's sister Asha's house, where she sees Ramachandra Rao's face and is shocked. She escapes but he hits her with his car and takes her to her house to kill her. The maid calls Vijaya and Vijaya sees the struggle and takes a photo for evidence, which strengthens her case in court.
Meanwhile, Ramachandra Rao is set free on bail. One day, Janaki, Shanthamma, and Vijaya find Ramachandra Rao stealing money from a cabinet and hinder him, but he casts them. Venu spots him leaving, confirms him as Ramachandra Rao's look-like and chases him. Then, the original Ramachandra Rao reaches home, and everyone accuses him and passes their statement to the judiciary. Devastated, at the final hearing, Ramachandra Rao becomes demoralized and affirms himself to be guilty. At that moment, Venu comes with the actual offender, Raju, when Shanthamma realizes he is Ramachandra Rao's twin brother and starts narrating the past. Years ago, Ramachandra Rao's father, a judge, gave the death penalty to a criminal. To seek vengeance, his father, Papaiah, stole one of their two babies and carved him into a criminal. Shantamma also reveals that, in order to avoid distress of a lost baby, Dharmaiah brought a different baby from an orphanage and Shantamma raised him, who grew up to be Venu. Papaiah confesses in court that he had Raju commit many crimes to frame Ramachandra Rao and ruin his reputation. He also had Raju kill Shobha because she threatened to expose them.
Knowing it, Raju repents and admits his crime. At last, Ramachandra Rao is acquitted, Raju is sentenced to a short-term penalty, and Vijaya pleads for a pardon. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note with the marriage of Venu & Vijaya.