He worked on exact solutions of Einstein's field equations and long sought a solution for rotating masses, which, however, were only found by Roy Kerr.[3] Papapetrou was then the first who recognized and jubilantly welcomed Kerr's breakthrough announced at the Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Dallas, December 1963.[4][5]
Early life and education
Papapetrou was born in Irakleia Serres in Northern Greece (Macedonia province), on February 2, 1907. His father was a schoolteacher. During World War I, his family was deported from Serres, but returned at the end of the war.
His start in physics, in 1934, was through graduate studies on solid state physics under Paul Peter Ewald enabled through a scholarship, at the Technical University of Stuttgart. While there, he started working with Helmut Hönl, who was instrumental in the development of his interest in theory of relativity. In 1935, he earned his PhD there, with a dissertation on Investigations on the dendrite growth of crystals,[8] and subsequently returned to the Technical University in Athens as an assistant in electrical engineering.
From 1948 on, he worked at the University of Manchester where he was a colleague of Leon Rosenfeld and worked on the equations of motion of GR, as well as the equations of motion of particles with spin in GR.
During 1960–61, he was visiting a group of relativity theorists, including André Lichnerowicz and Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat. From 1962 he was at the Institute Henri Poincaré (IHP) in Paris. At the same time, he was research director of CNRS. Among others, he worked on elastic waves in gravitational radiation detectors, shells of matter and their gravitational collapse, the Newman−Penrose formalism and its identities, stationary axially symmetric gravitational fields, and gravitational and electromagnetic radiation fields.
In 1975, he became Director of the IHP Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, and in 1977 he retired, remaining scientifically active. He was a visiting scientist at Princeton (1964–65), the University of Vienna (1970–71), and Boston University (1972). He later took French citizenship. From 1971 on, he was one of the organizing committee members of the international conferences on general relativity and gravitation (GRG).
A. Papapetrou, Spezielle Relativitatstheorie, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1967
A. Papapetrou, Lectures on General Relativity, D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1974. ISBN9027705402
and over a hundred papers, including:
H. Hönl and A. Papapetrou, Über die Selbstenergie und das Gravitationsfeld einer elektrischen Punktladung, Z f Phys112 (1939) 65; doi:10.1007/BF01325637
H. Hönl and A. Papapetrou, Über die innere Bewegung des Elektrons. I., Z f Phys112 (1939) 512; doi:10.1007/BF01341246
A. Papapetrou and H. Hönl, Über die innere Bewegung des Elektrons. II, Z f Phys114 (1939) 478; doi:10.1007/BF01329528
H. Hönl and A. Papapetrou, Über die innere Bewegung des Elektrons. III., Z f Phys116 (1940) 153; doi:10.1007/BF01337382
A. Papapetrou, Gravitationswirkungen zwischen Pol-Dipol-Teilchen, Z f Phys116 (1940) 298; doi:10.1007/BF01341450
Α. Papapetrou, E. Schrödinger, The Point-Charge in the Non-symmetric Field Theory, Nature168 (1951) 40; doi:10.1038/168040a0
Α. Papapetrou, A static solution of the equations of the gravitational field for an arbitrary charge distribution., Proc. Roy. Irish Acad.A 51 (1948) 191
A. Papapetrou, Spinning test particles in general relativity., I. Proc. R. Soc.A 64, 248–258 (1952)
A. Papapetrou, Eine rotationssymmetrische Lösung in der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie, Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 12, 309–315 (1953)
A. Papapetrou, Quelques remarques sur les champs gravitationnels stationnaires.C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris257, 2797–2800 (1963)
A. Papapetrou, Champs gravitationnels stationnaires à symétrie axiale.C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris285, 90–93 (1964)
A. Papapetrou, Champs gravitationnels stationnaires à symétrie axiale.Ann. Inst. Henri PoincareIV, 83–105 (1966)
A. Papapetrou, Eine rotationssymmetrische Lösung in der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie,Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 12, 309–315 (1953)
A. Papapetrou, Eine Theorie des Gravitationsfeldes mit einer Feldfunktion, Z f Phys139 (1954) 518; doi:10.1007/BF01374560
^Papapetrou, A. (1948): "A static solution of the equations of the gravitational field for an arbitrary charge distribution", Proc. Roy. Irish Acad.A 51 191.
^Thorne, K. S. (1994): Black holes and time warps, W. W. Norton & Co, New York, ISBN0393312763, p 342: "The astronomers and astrophysicists had come to Dallas to discuss quasars; they were not at all interested in Kerr's esoteric mathematical topic. So, as Kerr got up to speak, many slipped out of the lecture hall and into the foyer to argue with each other about their favorite theories of quasars. Others, less polite, remained seated in the hall and argued in whispers. Many of the rest catnapped in a fruitless effort to remedy their sleep deficits from late night science. Only a handful of relativists listened, with rapt attention. This was more than Achilles Papapetrou, one of the world's leading relativists, could stand. As Kerr finished, Papapetrou demanded the floor, stood up, and with deep feeling explained the importance of Kerr's feat. He, Papapetrou, had been trying for thirty years to find such a solution of Einstein's equation, and had failed, as had many other relativists. The astronomers and astrophysicists nodded politely, and then, as the next speaker began to hold forth on a theory of quasars, they refocussed their attention and the meeting picked up pace."
^Further see, Roy P. Kerr (2007): "Discovering the Kerr and Kerr-Schild metrics" arXiv:0706.1109