Absolute Superman is a superherocomic book series published by DC Comics, based on the character Superman. The series is written by Jason Aaron and illustrated by Rafa Sandoval, and began publication on November 6, 2024, as part of DC's Absolute Universe (AU) imprint. The series is Aaron's second work on the character Superman, after the three-issue story arc "I, Bizarro," published in Action Comics #1061–1063.
In July 2024, a Superman-focused comic book series titled Absolute Superman, written by Jason Aaron and illustrated by Rafa Sandoval, was announced as part of DC Comics's Absolute Universe (AU) imprint.[2]Rafael Albuquerque was originally set to illustrate Absolute Superman, but had to pull out of the project due to severe floods in his home country of Brazil, with Sandoval being brought onto the project a month before the comic's announcement.[3]
Absolute Superman began publication on November 6, 2024.[4]