As a postdoctoral student Naber and Tobias Colding solved the constant dimension conjecture for lower Ricci curvature, which shows limits of manifolds with lower Ricci curvature have a well defined dimension. As a postdoc and later assistant professor at MIT, Naber and Jeff Cheeger introduced the notion of quantitative stratification to Lower Ricci curvature. The estimates and techniques caught on in a wide variety of nonlinear equations, including nonlinear harmonic maps, minimal surfaces, mean curvature flow, and Yang Mills.
During his time at Northwestern, Naber and Cheeger proved the codimension four conjecture, showing in particular that Einstein manifolds have controlled singular sets. This work was extended with Wenshuai Jiang in order to prove sharp rectifiability of the singular sets. During this time Naber gave a characterization of Einstein manifolds, or more generally spaces with bounded Ricci curvature, through the analysis of path space of the manifold. This work was generalized with Robert Haslhofer to give a full generation of the Bakry-Emery-Ledoux estimates for martingales on path space. Near the end of his time at Northwestern, Elia Brue, Naber and Daniele Semola gave a counterexample to the Milnor conjecture, showing the existence of spaces with nonnegative Ricci curvature and infinitely generated fundamental group.
Naber and Daniele Valtorta have also done a series of works on nonlinear harmonic maps. Together they developed a stratification theory for nonlinear harmonic maps, which broadly extended the results of Schoen/Uhlenbeck from Hausdorff dimension estimates to finite measure and rectifiable structure for singular sets. The techniques were general and generalized by many others, applying to many situations in which the dimension reduction ideas of Federer had worked, including minimal surfaces, Yang-Mills, Q-valued harmonic maps. Valtorta and Naber have also resolved the Energy Identity conjecture, first for Yang-Mills and later for nonlinear harmonic maps using very different sets of ideas.
with Gang Tian: Geometric structure of collapsing Riemannian manifolds, Part 1, Arxiv 2008, Part 2, Arxiv 2009 (N*-bundles and Almost Ricci Flat Spaces)
with Jeff Cheeger: Lower Bounds on Ricci Curvature and Quantitative Behavior of Singular Sets, Inventiones Math., vol. 191, 2013, pp. 321–339. Arxiv 2011
Characterizations of Bounded Ricci Curvature on Smooth and NonSmooth Spaces, Arxiv 2013.
with Jeff Cheeger: Regularity of Einstein Manifolds and the Codimension 4 Conjecture, Annals of Mathematics, vol. 182, 2014, pp. 1093–1165, Arxiv
with Tobias Colding: Sharp Hölder continuity of tangent cones for spaces with a lower Ricci curvature bound and applications, Annals of Mathematics, vol. 176, 2012, pp. 1173–1229. Arxiv 2011
with Robert Haslhofer: Ricci Curvature and Bochner Formulas for Martingales, Comm. in Pure and Applied Math, Vol 71 Iss 6, Arxiv 2016
with Wenshuai Jiang: L2 Curvature Bounds on Manifolds with Bounded Ricci Curvature, Annals of Mathematics, vol. 193-1, Arxiv 2016
with Daniele Valtorta: Energy identity for stationary Yang-Mills, Inventiones, vol. 216, Arxiv 2016
with Jeff Cheeger and Wenshuai Jiang: Rectifiability of singular sets in noncollapsed spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below, Annals of Mathematics, vol. 193-2, Arxiv 2018