Sita, an unemployed benevolent, resides with his mother, Shantamma. She partakes in a theatrical tribe for livelihood owned by the true Gopal Rao. The two form a close bond, and he silently endears her. Once, the spiteful playhouse proprietor Ganga Raju lusts and attempts to abduct Sita. Raja, the son of a Zamindar, Rao Bahadur Ranganatham, shields her and they fall in love. However, since Rao Bahadur adheres to ancestry, he misjudges Sita's profession and intimacy with Gopal Rao. So, he endeavors to exile Sita from his son's life via plea, threat & wealth, but she stamps on her self-esteem. Raja elects Sita and is about to let out. Then, Rao Bahadur relents and approves the match, ensuring Sita never again sees Gopal Rao. Presently, the grand nuptial of Raja & Sita is happening. Gopal Rao also attends it, comprehends the status quo, and promises Sita to move accordingly. Raja & Sita lead an intimate & affectionate life, and she conceives.
Meanwhile, in animosity, Ganga Raju cheap a voice about Sita, to which Gopal Rao revolts and threatens to slay him. Once, Sita got stuck in the dreaded curfew, where Gopal Rao bracketed her, and she silently walked the next day. The same night, Ganga Raju shoots out with Jogulu, who butchers him and incriminates Gopal Rao. He alleged an alibi at the judiciary but hid her identity. Sita abides by righteousness, bears witness, and acquits Gopal Rao. Ergo, Rao Bahadur ostracizes her, denouncing the purity which Raja also adjudges. Sita quits the town along with Shantamma on the ordinance of her father-in-law.
Destiny makes her crack up in front of kind-hearted Sher Khan’s house, a boon fellow of Rao Bahadur. Right now, he shelters them where Sita delivers a baby boy. Devastated, Raja meets with an accident as a rover whom Sita fortuitously secures. With an allegiance, she recoups her husband under a veil. Raja gets closer to the boy, unbeknownst to actuality and so dear to him. Conscious of the mishap, Rao Bahadur arrives and implores his son when Raja agrees to remarry for his comfort. In the nick of time, Gopal Rao lands evidence of the Sita's eminence. Sher Khan also glorifies her for getting the facts. Thus, Raja hurries toward Sita when a catastrophic earthquake knocks them, but both are safe. At last, Rao Bahadur seeks pardon from Sita & Gopal Rao. Finally, the movie happily ends with the couple's reunion.