"The Lady Is a Tramp" was bumped from the original album and replaced with "No One Ever Tells You", which had been recorded months earlier. Later, "The Lady is a Tramp" appeared on the soundtrack for Pal Joey. It was restored to the album for the compact disc release.
26-November-1956 (Monday) - Hollywood.
Mickey Mangano, Harry Edison, Shorty Sherock, Ray Linn (tpt); Juan Tizol, Murray McEachern, Dick Noel (tbn); George Roberts (b-tbn); Willie Schwartz, Harry Klee (alt); Jules Kinsler, James Williamson (ten); Joe Koch (bar); Victor Bay, Emo Neufeld, Alex Beller, Joe Stepansky, David Frisina, Eudice Shapiro, Harold Dicterow, Alex Murray, Kurt Dieterle, Lou Raderman (vln); Stanley Harris, Maxine Johnson, Alvin Dinkin (via); Eleanor Slatkin, Ennio Bolognini, Edgar Lustgarten (vlc); Kathryn Julye (harp); Bill Miller (p); Nick Bonney (g); Joe Comfort (b); Irving Cottler (d).
Tracks 2, 4, 5, 10:
Mickey Mangano, Conrad Gozzo, Harry Edison, Shorty Sherock (tpt); George Arus, Dick Noel, Ed Kusby (tbn); George Roberts (b-tbn); Willie Schwartz, Harry Klee (alt); Ted Nash, James Briggs (ten); Joe Koch (bar); Felix Slatkin, Paul Shure, Alex Beller, Emo Neufeld, Lou Raderman, Marshall Sosson, Mischa Russell, Nathan Ross, Victor Bay, Gerald Vinci (vln); Maxine Johnson, Alvin Dinkin, David Sterkin (vla); Eleanor Slatkin, Cy Bernard, Edgar Lustgarten (vlc); Kathryn Julye (harp); Bill Miller (p); Nick Bonney (g); Joe Comfort (b); Alvin Stoller (d).
Tracks 3, 6, 8:
Conrad Gozzo, Harry Edison, Mickey Mangano, Mannie Klein (tpt); George Arns, Dick Noel, Ed Kusby (tbn); George Roberts (b-tbn); Jack Dumont, Dominic Mumolo (alt); Don Raffell, Buck Skalak (ten); Paul Lawson (bar); Henry Hill, Alex Beller, Marshall Sosson, Felix Slatkin, Paul Shure, Erno Neufeld, Walter Edelstein, Jacques Gasselin, Nathan Ross, Dan Lube (vln); Maxine Johnson, Alvin Dinkin, David Sterkin (vla); Ennio Bolognini, Eleanor Slatkin, Cy Bernard (vlc); Kathryn Julye (harp); Bill Miller (p); Nick Bonney (g); Joe Comfort (b); Irving Cottler (d).
Track 7:
Ray Linn, Mannie Klein, Shorty Sherock, Harry Edison (tpt); Jimmy Priddy, Milt Bernhart, Ed Kusby (tbn); George Roberts (b-tbn); Willie Schwartz, Harry Klee (alt); Champ Webb, Babe Russin (ten); Chuck Gentry (bar); Felix Slatkin, Paul Shure, Mischa Russell, Harry Bluestone, Henry Hill, Marshall Sosson, Arnold Bdnick, Alex Beller, Victor Bay (vln); Alvin Dinkin, Maxine Johnson (via); Eleanor Slatkin, Cy Bernard, Ennio Bolognini (vlc); Helen Hutchinson (harp); Bill Miller (p); George Van Eps (g); Joe Comfort (b); Alvin Stoller (d); Marilyn Lewis, Alicia Adams, Allan Davies, Ralph Brewster, John Mann, Lee Gotch (voe [1]).
Tracks 11, 12, 13, 15
Pete Candoli, Harry Edison, Shorty Sherock, Ray Linn (tpt); Dick Nash, Tommy Pederson (tbn); Juan Tizol (v-tbn); George Roberts (b-tbn); Skeets Herfurt, Harry Klee (alt); Ted Nash, James Williamson (ten); Joe Koch (bar); Victor Bay, Emo Neufeld, Alex Beller, Victor Amo, David Frisina, Eudice Shapiro, Jacques Gasselin, Felix Slatkin, Paul Shure, Marshall Sosson (vln); David Sterkin, Maxine Johnson, Alvin Dinkin (via); Eleanor Slatkin, Ennio Bolognini, Cy Bernard (vie); Kathryn Julye (harp); Bill Miller (p); Nick Bonney (g); Joe Comfort (b); Alvin Stoller (d).[5]